
Cooking Times and Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is a powerful technique for writing algorithms. In its essence, dynamic programming consists in a rule for updating a quantity, on the basis of the values of other quantities that are related, or nearby in some sense. Once no more updates can be carried out, the quantities provide a solution to some useful problem.

We apply dynamic programming to the problem of scheduling with both dependencies and delays. As in the previous chapter, we have a set of tasks to complete, and every task can be performed only once the tasks it depends on have been completed. In addition, every task also has a duration. We aim not only to find a schedule for performing the tasks that respects the dependencies, but also, a schedule that enables us to do the tasks as quickly as possible, taking into account their duration. We will see that dynamic programming provides a solution to this problem: the quantities associated with the tasks in dynamic programming will be the task starting times, and the update rule optimizes the starting times taking into account the dependencies.
